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Octavia Luikart-Waldo

As a progressive artist, I have taken my 2016 to 2017 school year at Harbor High as an opportunity to advance my creative and technical skills. Attending an ROP Graphic Design class has certainly helped me in this endeavor. During the course, I became well acquainted with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and dabbled briefly in Adobe InDesign. In using these applications, I discovered how to incorporate my understanding of traditional art into modern digital media by experimenting with multi-layer documents, vector images, and various filters. I feel that I am able to utilize my newfound knowledge as an entrepreneur seeking work experience as a self-employed graphic designer. In the relatively distant future—perhaps a decade or so from now—I hope to become a practical effects and digital media artist for hire, working miscellaneous jobs from designing wall pieces for airports to the advertisements for presidential campaigns.

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